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Set Working Folder Command (File Menu)

See Also

Command Remarks

Sets working folder for the selected project.

This command communicates to Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted where local copies of the files in that project are located, as well as where they should be placed when retrieved from the repository.

A working folder can be set at any level of the project tree hierarchy. If you set a working folder at a project and no working folder specified for its subprojects, the working folders will be automatically inherited in the subprojects. Subprojects may also be individually configured to have a different working folder from that of the parent project.

If a working folder is not set for a project or any of its tree ancestors, then Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted will be unable to determine where the local files of this project are stored. In this case, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted will prompt you for working folder each time you use a command that requires a working folder.

Access Rights

Any Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted user can use this command.

Dialog Box Items


Specifies the path of the working folder.

Note: If the desired working folder does not exist in the selection view, enter a folder name in the Name field and it will be created automatically.


Shows the path of the selected folder in the folder list.


Select a folder in this folder list.


Sets the selected folder to be your working folder.


Cancels the Rename command and closes the dialog box.

New Folder

Click and then enter a name for the new folder to be created.